A pastor took a
retreat to Alaska, and at the camp where he was staying the weather was cold
and rainy every day. The pastor asked the camp director how do people deal with
the gloomy, rainy weather day in and day out. The director responded, “Pastor,
we don’t have bad weather, we only have bad gear.” The point the director
expressed was that we can’t control the weather, but we can control our
preparation and response to it.
As an official, do we bring the proper
gear each game?
Review prior game evaluation and make adjustments as needed and necessary both
individually and as a crew. Study rules and mechanics to improve each week.
Keep ourselves in good physical shape with rest, recovery and continued
exercise as needed. If we feel sick, do we get the appropriate help from
doctors and take the medicine we need?
Removing negative thoughts, listening to music and podcasts, watching a movie
or another form of relaxation, and deep breathing help to calm us the days
leading up to a game. During the game, our pre-snap routine, support from other
officials, forgetting the last play, and calm-breathing help to keep our
emotions in balance.
Spiritually: Study the Bible, listen to a
sermon, read a devotion, and spend time in prayer are some of the ways to be
spiritually in tune with God and properly prepared.
2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV): Preach the word; be prepared in
season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and
careful instruction.
Paul was challenging and teaching
Timothy to focus his ministry on communicating God's truth. In this verse, Paul
gave Timothy specific instructions:
was to be ready to preach and teach “in season”—when it was convenient. These
times are when Timothy (and us) should be most prepared.
was also to be ready when preaching and teaching was not convenient ("out
of season"). The out of season times are when Timothy found speaking God’s
Word was awkward, difficult to understand, or when people resisted it.
was to also to lead by providing correction when he or others were wrong or not
living by God’s instructions and being a positive influence.
was to do his preaching and instruction with patience and love—not thru
resistance and anger.
With the right gear, we are able to
respond to “weather” with tact, discretion, and wisdom.
does 2 Timothy 4:2 mean? | BibleRef.com
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