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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Friend or Foe

This week's devotion was prepared by Rick Loumiet--Replay Official, Big 12.......

We’ve all experienced this…...we go to a gathering with our wife/girlfriend and step away to go get a couple of drinks. When looking back, you see a man who you do not know talking with your wife/girlfriend.  Quickly, but not too conspicuously, you make your way back to join the conversation. The conversation isn’t the main concern because you are sizing this guy up, trying to determine if the other person is a friend or foe! It’s human nature and we all do it. Consciously or not, all of us evaluate people we meet in order to determine if they are potential friends or foes.  We learn early in life that not everyone can be trusted and most are not concerned about our best interest.

In the Old Testament, shortly before the siege of Jericho, Joshua attempted to size up a potentially powerful friend or deadly enemy. Having been made the new leader of Israel after the death of Moses, Joshua now had tremendous responsibility of leading a newly formed nation. As he and this new nation were encamped just outside of Jericho, Joshua meets a Man standing before him, sword drawn (Joshua 5:13).  Joshua does what any of us would have done and asks this figure a question regarding whether He is on Israel’s side, or not---the man does not choose any of Joshua’s offered options. Instead, He declares that He is the commander of the army of the Lord. Not to get overly technical but this passage depicts a Christophany — a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. In this face-to-face meeting, the Lord does not say that He is on Joshua’s side, although it could be implied based on other verses in Joshua. Instead, He declares Himself to Joshua as if to say, “I am the Captain of the heavenly host, are you on my side?”

As with Joshua, all of us must decide with which army we will align ourselves.  This is not who is on our side, but more of whose side will we be on?  Later in Joshua when he is near his own death, Joshua speaks to the nation where he declares “... if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

Chose the right side!

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