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Wednesday, December 27, 2017


What Should Be on Everyone’s Bucket List
By Jared West
***Adapted from the series “The Bucket List” by Dr. James Merritt.***

Do you have a “Bucket List”? Chances are, you have a list of things you’d like to do before you die as research suggests 69% of people have a “list of life’s things to do”.
Research does not indicate the percentage of referees that would want to officiate a College Football Championship game or Super Bowl, but I would imagine it would be 100%! But if you removed football officiating from your bucket list, what else would be on it? Traveling to an exotic location? Meeting a famous entertainer or sport personality?
So, with your bucket list on your mind, let me ask you a question…Does your bucket list contain things you would like to do before you die or does it contain things you need to do before you die? There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus offered a list of things everyone needs to do before he or she dies, and the setting for providing this list is a short span of time (about 6 hours) while he hung from a Roman cross bearing the weight of sin for all mankind. Jesus made 7 statements while He was crucified, and all 7 were thing he specifically did or caused to happen.
Indeed, it is the best bucket list of all time, and one that every human being should accomplish before death. Think of this as the ultimate bucket list of things that we need to do before we die.
And now, on to the list…
1. We must die with a clean slate by forgiving others who have wronged us. (Luke 23:34)
2. We must take care of our family before we die. (John 19:25-26)
3. We must accept Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf. (Matthew 27:45)
4. We must learn to suffer well. (John 19:28)
5. We must accomplish the mission God has set for our life. (John 19:30)
6. We must ensure that we die in the hands of God. (Luke 23:46)
7. We must see ourselves as sinners and make the right choice to accept Jesus. (Luke 23:42)

The Bible tells us Jesus hung on the cross with criminals on either side of Him. Jesus hung on the center cross and died for sin. The man to the right of Jesus was a criminal who deserved death, and yet He accepted Jesus as savior right before he died. This man died to sin. On the left of Jesus hung another criminal who refused to recognize Jesus as Lord. Sadly, this man died in sin.
Three men. Three crosses. Three deaths. However, we, as humans, are left with only 2 choices in response to these crucifixions. We can either die in sin or we can die to sin. You have a choice to make. The criminal who died to sin made the right choice, and this single choice wiped out once and for all the countless bad choices he had ever made.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Now that we are nearing the end of another regular season of football, what does it really mean to finish strong?  As we review the season behind us, we all have certainly experienced peaks and valleys.  Let’s look at what finishing strong really means.

In his book Running and Being, George Sheehan writes, “I am at my best nearing the finish of a race. Until then I am just another mediocre distance runner. Just one of the many run-of-the-mill competitors well back in the pack. But with the finish line in sight, all that changes. Now I am the equal of anyone. Gray-haired, balding and wrinkled, but world class. Gasping, wheezing and groaning, but unbeatable.

As officials, we can often find ourselves in a “pack” just getting through the season.  As we draw to the end, and the finish line is in site, let’s be motivated to be world class.  To finish world class, focus on what Jesus can do for us…..

1. Christ focus=strength to endure present hardships.
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

2. Christ focus=remembering his mercy and help in times past.
 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).

3. Christ focus=great hope for the future
“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8).

No matter our current circumstances or our past success/failures, to finish world class, we must keep our Christ focused attention to the finish line.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.'" Isaiah 43:1-2

Adversity can be simply defined as “DIFFICULTIES”.  No question adversity and setbacks will come in life. How we handle them makes all the difference between success and failure. When obstacles or unexpected circumstances happen, we must be equipped with perseverance to solve each problem. Being determined to find a way over, under, around or through the obstacle requires perseverance!
“We don’t find meaning in our lives from the lack of challenges or even misery. We find meaning in our lives by how we face these challenges.” -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger
How do we deal with adversity?  First, we must look at who is involved (or not) in helping us overcome our problems.  We certainly need family, friends, crewmates, Doctors, etc.  But, think about this…people trying to exist without Jesus Christ in their lives are missing the most practical and valuable asset available. God’s help and backing can produce physical, mental, financial and spiritual results.

If God is involved in our lives, situations, opportunities and even trials will have deeper and more purposeful meaning. God places our spiritual growth ahead of our physical comfort and successOvercoming adversity can produce the character God wants.
How have you done handling and overcoming adversity this season?  The situation could have been a missed call, a no call, crew dynamics, health problems, and various other personal issues that impact our officiating.  Think back over the season and list your adversity and note how it has or is being handled.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Definition of ANTICIPATE:  to expect; look forward to; be sure of

What are things we anticipate? Eating, Sleeping, getting married, birth of children, results from doctors, holidays.

What do we anticipate as officials?  Impact of weather, coaches and players attitudes, pass or run plays, potential plays to review, fouls.

Two primary parts of anticipation:
(1)   Expectations:  what we think will happen.
(2)  Suspense:  the unknown, things we don’t know.

Which one of these parts can cause the most anxiety?  SUSPENSE-the unknown.  We’re a society of control and we like to know what will happen next.  In officiating, anticipating what will happen next is important to our performance.  WHY?  (a) puts is in a better position, (b) gets us mentally ready, (3) helps in communication.
Key to anticipation is LOOKING FORWARD.  Think about it—if you are looking back, how can you anticipate what’s next?  The key is to have Expectations—expect what will happen next.

In Philippians 3, Paul tells us he is looking forward towards the prize.  He wasn’t looking back.  If he did, it would be hard for him because of who he was before Jesus changed his life—he was previously known as the chief of sinners.  Here is another verse in Proverbs that really defines ANTICIPATION:

Proverbs 4: 25-26:  25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Ever thought about the purpose of a rubber band?  Actually, a rubber band is not useful until it’s stretched.  If you put a rubber band around a set of papers and the band is too big, you pretty much are just as good without it.  But, when the rubber band is stretched to fit around the papers to hold them together, it becomes one of the greatest invention ever!  But, if we stretch a rubber band too much or too far, it breaks.

When you think about it, our life as officials should be much like a rubber band.  Unless we are stretched as officials, we will never reach our full potential or learn and grow to be better officials.  Much like our faith—unless it is stretched, put to the test, it is useless.  We all need to examine whether we are being stretched to become stronger in our officiating and in our faith.  Are we serving with our talents and abilities—stretching our rubber band?  At the same time, we also need to examine if we are being stretched too much—we don’t want to hit our breaking point.

What happens when we step out and stretch--God shows up and does what we can’t do. We need to keep putting ourselves in situations where we say to ourselves, “God, if You don’t show up, I am bound to fail. I can’t do this in my own strength.”

Improvement comes at the edge of our comfort zone.  To become a better official, to improve our crew, and to grow in our faith, we have to be stretched!

Consider these things that God may want you to do when you are stretched (from Pastor Chris Russell)
  • God may want you to DO something.
  • God may want you to STOP DOING something.
  • God may want you to GIVE something.
  • God may want you to SAY something.
  • God may want you to STOP SAYING something.
  • God may want you to START something.
  • God may want you to END something.
  • God may want you to LOVE someone.
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Isaiah 54: 2

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Test with Stress for Success

Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart” (Proverbs 17:3 NLT).

Most often, we don’t consider stress as a positive.  Stress can impact us physically, mentally, and emotionally.  But, stress is also a great indicator of how well we can perform.  If we can’t handle the pressure or stress that we are facing, we cannot move forward.

In the Bible, Daniel was a great example of being put under stress to see if he would be successful.  God allowed Daniel to be captured and held as a prisoner of war and was quickly identified as healthy, knowledgeable, and perceptive.  The King who captured Daniel tried to “brain wash” Daniel into becoming one who denied God and followed his rule.  As you read through the story of Daniel, he withstood the pressure and stress and did not submit to the rule of the King and continued to be a great and faithful follower of God.

If God’s going to use us, he’s going to test us first. What is the purpose of the test?  To be sure we’re ready to handle the power, blessing, influence, or whatever else he wants to give us.  Here is an important point to remember—even in the fire, God is with us helping us to succeed. While being tested, it’s sometimes hard to understand if God is even with us.  But, he is and we must rely on his Spirit to lead us.
Proverbs 17: 3 points out that fire tests the purity or how good silver and gold is.  For us, our fires are our stresses—how pure or strong is our heart, soul, and mind to handle those stresses?
God wants to know if he can trust us with success. So, expect to be tested with stress.  Then, expect success on the other side of the test!
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Credit given to Rick Warren-Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Work To Please

If we work to please, who do we please?  In officiating, we can look to please a lot of people:  Supervisors, Observers, crewmates, coaches, fans, commentators.  But, who is the most important?  Most would say Supervisors because they hold the key to the games we are assigned.  Pleasing our crewmates is important for crew unity and performance on the field.  We may not work to please coaches, but our communication with coaches is important to have a “pleasing” game.  Truth is, not everyone is going to be pleased.  So, in officiating, how do we work to please?
The apostle Paul teaches we are “working for the Lord and not for people.” No job is too small nor is it too big; no job is too menial; no job is too insignificant nor is one more important than another when you have the right motive and perspective. Our thought should be “I’m doing it for God; I’m doing this job as if I’m doing it for the Lord.”

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people” (Colossians 3:23).

How do I know if my work is for the Lord? Two characteristics will show up:

Excellence and Enthusiasm.

First, if I’m doing my work, not for the boss but for the Lord, I do it with EXCELLENCE—being the best I can be. That means I give it my best shot. I do the best I can because I’m not doing it for anyone’s approval, except God’s.
Second, I do my work with ENTHUSIASM. I’m working for God; therefore, I do it with a cheerful attitude. “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically” (Romans 12:11 NLT).

Think about this…..When you are working with all your heart, motivated by Christ, your work is transformed into an act of worship for God.

Credit given to Rick Warren-Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope (5/21/14)

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Concentration--exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.

Life is full of distractions. What are some of those distractions for you? (news, friends, social media, politics, social events). So many things and activities can pull us back and forth in our lives coming from various directions.  Officiating is no different.  We can get distracted with evaluations (good and bad), plays we didn’t get right, fans, media, coaches, and even players.

We have to decide how to live and respond to each day. Our focus can’t be on past failures and past successes. Focusing on the past can keep us from moving forward.  Our concentration has to be this one thing: learn from the past, release it and embrace the future. God will empower you to do this one thing just as Paul stated that he did in Philippians 3.  Focus and persistence are necessary to release the past and to march into the future.

Paul focused his energy on one thing. He disciplined his life to release the past and to embrace the future God had for him……..
“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 (ESV)

The military definition of CONCENTRATION is the assembling of military or naval forces in a particular area in preparation for further operations. Taking from the military meaning of concentration, when we go into our game this week, keep our concentration on the field—in our area.  Don’t let distractions of our life or our surroundings keep us from performing our responsibilities at the highest level. 

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.
--Alexander Graham Bell

Thursday, September 21, 2017


How strong of an official are you?  We often hear officials referred to as a “strong official”.  Does that mean great physical shape, mental toughness, emotional stability?  I would say—all of the above.

A prospective missionary was scheduled for an interview with the Mission Board about a potential assignment.  He arrived for his scheduled appointment at 6am.  He sat in a room until 10am waiting on the interview.  Once the interview started, the prospective candidate was asked odd questions along with other very pointed and direct questions.  When the interview was over, the following was reported back to the Mission Board concerning the candidate…

“I tried his patience for hours and hours and he did not break down; Then I insulted him and he did not lose his temper. This candidate answered with patience, fortitude, and gentleness. His faith was vindicated by the very quality of his character. He will make a good missionary."

See, the Mission Board knew it took more than just a desire to be a missionary.  It takes physical, mental, and emotional toughness.  As officials, we are tested physically, mentally, and emotionally.  We must prepare ourselves to be STRONG in each of these areas.
Each game we are tested just as the potential Missionary candidate was.  What report is given on us?  Just as the Mission Board reported back that the candidate would make a good missionary, are we referred to as a “Strong Official” with physical, mental, and emotional toughness?

Luke 8:15--But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Our Supervisor of Officials gave us “Crew Self-Assessment Objectives”.  Before I list those, think about what “experience” means.

What do we gain from our experiences each game?  Do we learn from our experiences?  Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is the best teacher. Reflective thinking is needed to turn experience into insight. We draw lessons from the past only when we study it. Experience can be an excellent teacher if we take the time to evaluate. Mindless activities create shallow thinking, while evaluated action broadens our perspective.  Think of each game as a laboratory. We observe, evaluate, learn and apply lessons.

Here are the 5 Crew Self-Assessment Objectives:

1.       Did we effectively and fairly manage the game?
2.       Did we consistently apply the rules and philosophies to each play?
3.       Did we demonstrate sound and fundamental mechanics?
4.       Did we work together as a team?
5.       Was our individual performance up to the standard that is expected?

Great list of questions to EVALUATE your performance after each game.  Remember the next steps—learn and apply!

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw. Proverbs 24:32.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Vision is vital to officials.  Our goal is to be in the best position to give ourselves the best look at a play.  How do we get the best vision on the field?  (1) Make sure physical vision is right—are glasses/contacts needed?; (2) be in the right position; (3) Focus and limit distractions.

One other way to have the best vision…………FAITH.

Our faith in each other grows our vision.  In Matthew 14:28-32, Peter is focused on Jesus and is performing a miracle—walking on water.  His Faith in Jesus allowed him to see beyond what he thought he could physically do.  BUT, what happened.  He saw the storms, Peter got distracted.  The storms were already happening when Peter got out of the boat, he just let other things get in his way of his vision of Jesus.

Walt Disney said “Our minds see more than our eyes can see.”  So, our vision is more than just what we can see.  It’s also all that our mind can process.  Having Faith in each other helps to process what our mind is seeing.  Then, we have to process what our eyes and mind see and determine what action to take.

“Faith grows our Vision.”  Faith is the place where belief intersects actions because a lack of action shows a lack of belief.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Process of making a sword:
1)    Metal is put into a fire and heated to make it softer.
2)    Hammer is used to pound the metal into desired shape.  During this process, the metal is put back in the fire, as needed, to keep it soft and flexible.
3)    Sword is hammered/grinded on the edges and points and engraving is performed.
4)    To complete the process, the sword is then heated at a very high temperature and placed in quenching tank.
As you can see in the sword making process, it is put into the fire many times.  Metal tools (hammer and grinder) are used to get it in proper shape.  The same can be said of us as officials.  We are put into the fire over and over again.  We get “hammered” and “grinded” and it takes Supervisors, fellow officials, and even ourselves to get us into the proper shape. Our goal should be to be an official that can be hammered and grinded and the end product results in a shiny, sharp, and stronger official.

Proverbs 27: 17:  As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

This verse basically says as iron is used to sharpen iron--just as in the sword making process--we are called to sharpen each other.  Considering what the Proverb states, in an article by Jon Gordon, “Are You a Real Team?”, he shared the difference between being part of a team vs. a “REAL” team.  Taking the points he made in the article, here is a list of what being a member of a “REAL Crew” looks like…..

o  Crew goals first; individual goals second.
o  Committed to each other and the crew.
o  Desire is to serve the crew.
o  Crew communication is essential to build trust, commitment and teamwork.
o  Care even more about the crew.
o  Time with the crew is a priority.
o  Build trust, share love and show respect in everything the crew does.
o  Fighting makes crew stronger because of trust, love and growth from disagreements.
o  Every crew member is on the bus with a shared vision, focus and purpose.
o  Strong leaders who develop other leaders.
o  Ego to be great but gives up ego to serve crew in order to be great.

Don’t just be a member of a crew, be a member of a REAL Crew!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Summer Clinic Devotion--Top 10

Over the years, watching ESPN’s Top 10 Plays of the Day was something to look forward to late at night.  Now, we look forward to the “Not So Top 10.”  David Letterman also made his Top 10 list famous with his comical late-night list.  In the Bible, God created the original Top 10--Ten Commandments.   In Exodus 20: 2-17, the Ten Commandments are given by Moses.

The 10 Commandments in the Bible were God’s instructions on how we should live our lives on earth.  What would be the Ten Commandments of Officiating?  As officials, we have great responsibility in our dealings with our crew mates, Supervisors, coaches, administrators, and players.  What are the underlying values/commandments that help us in officiating?

10 Commandments in the Bible (Exodus 20: 2-17)
I.              Thou shall have no other gods before me.
II.            Thou shall have no idols.
III.          Thou shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain.
IV.      Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
V.          Honor thy father and mother.
VI.            Thou shall not kill.
VII.          Thou shall not commit adultery.
VIII.        Thou shall not steal.
IX.       Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor—love your neighbor as yourself.
X.        Thou shall not covet.

10 Commandments of Officiating
  1. Thou shall not forsake all other aspects of life for officiating. Honor faith and family by all my actions while away from my family.
                 Proverbs 12: 14—We are rewarded or punished for what we say and do.

  1. Thou shall respect and honor Supervisor(s)
                 Proverbs 3: 5—The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of                   understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel.
   III.    Thou shall have knowledge of rules, mechanics and philosophies and their application.

                 Proverbs 8: 14—Common sense and success belong to me.  Insight and strength are mine.

                 Proverbs 19: 27—If you stop learning, you will forget what you already know.

  1. Thou shall strive to get the call right, but not be afraid to make mistakes.
                Proverbs 16: 18--First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.

  1. Thou shall communicate effectively.
                Proverbs 21: 23—He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.

  1. Thou shall have courage.
                Proverbs 28: 1--The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as                   bold as lions.

  1.   Thou shall learn from review and critiques.
               Proverbs 12: 1—Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but one who hates correction                is stupid.

               Proverbs 23: 12—Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge.

  1. Thou shall have composure to stay grounded in my emotions and compassion to understand emotions of others.
               Proverbs 20: 3—It makes you look good when you avoid a fight, only fools love to quarrel.

  1. Thou shall have humility to understand my role in the game.
              Proverbs 18: 12—Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before               honor.

             Proverbs 27: 2—Don’t brag about yourself-let others praise you.

  1. Thou shall have the physical, mental, and emotional ability to work the game.
             Proverbs 13: 4--Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.