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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What's the Difference?

 As believers in Christ, we don’t get to choose neutral. (Revelation 3:  15-16)

The key to being a difference maker:  Consistency (keep your saltiness)—Matthew 5: 13

How to maintain saltiness:

·         Don’t make it more complicated than it should.

·         Guide by the way we live.

·         When people encounter us, we want them to worship Jesus.

How to lose saltiness:

·         Do nothing

·         Prioritize being liked by the world rather than being more like Jesus


As followers of Jesus, we leverage where God puts us to guide others to Him.

1)      God positions us to make a difference

a.       Where has God placed you and are you using your talents for Him—to make a difference?

2)      Primary purpose is to guide others to Jesus.

a.       Acts 8:  29-31 (Phillip lead by the Sprit to help the Ethiopian Eunuch understand scriptures)


What are things we can do to make a difference for the name of Jesus?

·         Speech/words

·         Serving

·         Devotions

·         Attention getter (Coins--2 Timothy 2: 5)


Story of David:  If you lose the battle with lions and bears, you don’t get to face Goliath.