“It is more blessed to give than receive.” Acts 20: 35
Acts 20: 35 is one of the “Be Attitudes” as known in the
Bible. It’s unusual—the giver more blessed
than the receiver. Paul, who wrote the book
of Acts, shares the “Be Attitudes” and illustrates giving secures more real
happiness than receiving. However, this
attitude goes against our natural intuitions and instincts.
So, why more blessed than to receive? When we have the capacity to meet a need—to bless
others, we are obeying God and His call to serve others. In turn, when we obey God and bless others,
God in turn provides and blesses those who bless. It’s not a one-way street. God will bless those who bless others—Genesis
12: 3: I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed
through you.”
How do we bless others?
Pray, text a Bible verse of meaning, spend time with others and listen,
help with chores, write a personal note, share a meal, provide a meal, share an
encouraging story, invite to a Bible Study.
We have endless opportunities to bless others. Most are small and not very costly; a few are
large and can be costly. No matter the
size or the cost, the heart of the giver to meet the need of someone else is
the most important.
Today, bless someone, serve someone, give to someone. If we are traveling, open the door or help
someone with their bags. In our hotel room
and locker room, leave it as clean or cleaner than we found it. These acts seem small, but will be a great
blessing to someone else.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what
we give.” Winston Churchill