you observe any practice at any level, each day the team begins with
fundamentals—blocking, tackling, handing off, shooting and passing drills, hitting
off a tee, etc. These fundamentals are
the basics. No matter how long a player
or coach has been in a sport, the key to success are the fundamentals. Plus, what does every coach say they will be
doing during an off week—getting back to the fundamentals.
officiating, our foundation in the basics helps us perform at the highest
level. What are the basics?
Communications, Fitness, Rules Knowledge
Mechanics: get us in the right position (physical
mechanics) and looking in the right area (visual mechanics),
Communication: allows a crew to work more efficiently and
helps to know when to talk and know when to listen
Fitness: our physical condition keeps us mentally
Knowledge: helps to administer the game
and over, we work on these aspects of officiating. Each game, we can use the basics to help the
game run smoothly. Then, when those unusual
situations arise, hopefully, the crew can handle the situation correctly and
confidentially because we have worked on the basics.
Christians, the basics are growing in scripture, prayer, and fellowship –
working on these repeatedly for years builds our relationship with Jesus.
Psalm 62:6-7 – He only is
my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God my
salvation and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
“basic” truth in the Christian faith is our relationship with God through Jesus
which is foundational to our faith. There
is a powerful word in that verse when our foundation is on God—“I will not be SHAKEN”.
basics keep us from being shaken off our foundation. It doesn’t mean we aren’t faced with trials,
temptations, or challenges. But, it does
me our foundation keeps us upright by leaning on what we know—the BASICS.
Going back to the
basics strengthens our foundation.