you look at athletes that are the best, they are sharp. I’m not referring to the way they dress,
although looking the part is important. A
wide receiver or running back must make crisp cuts when running a route or
hitting the hole. A soccer player needs to make crisp cuts when passing or
dribbling. Basketball players must make quick, crisp cuts when running plays or
making moves to the hoop.
word “crisp” has been defined as “notably sharp and clean-cut.” Being sharp is the same as being crisp. If
a football, soccer or basketball player makes slow, sloppy actions on the
playing field or court, they decrease their chances of being successful.
officiating, we must stay sharp. If we
decide to be “sloppy” one play, that could be the one play from the whole game
that demands our full attention. Staying
sharp and focused increases our chances of being successful.
the Book of Hebrews, God’s Word is described as living and powerful and sharper
than a two-edged sword……..
“For the word of God is living and
effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide
soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of
the heart.” - Hebrews 4:12
In the
Christian life, God’s Word keeps us sharp.
The key is we have to apply it and put it into action. To make the most impact on the people around
us, we don’t take short-cuts in what God’s Word tells us. Just as in Hebrews 4: 12 says, the Bible
gives us instruction that is sharper than a two-edged sword. God’s Word penetrates our hearts and minds to
keep us sharp.
Whether we
are talking about our family life, our job, our spiritual life, or our
officiating, stay sharp, stay crisp. Why?
So that we can increase our effectiveness and our success!
“It takes
energy, mental toughness and
spiritual reinforcement to successfully deal with life’s opportunities, and to
reach your objectives.” ―Zig Ziglar
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