How do you put Thanks into action? One coach shared that after every practice
and game, one of his players told him one small sentence—“Thank you coach.” For two years, this player never missed an
opportunity to say those three words.
You see, the player had an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness as
well as putting it into action.
If we have an attitude of Thankfulness, does it show? Hopefully, it shows in all that we do—in our Faith,
marriage, family, friends, co-workers, church, and our officiating. But, what about the tough times? The Bible says we can “rejoice” in our tough
times because of what will be produced….
Romans 5:3 states, “we
also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know afflictions produce
Put Thankfulness into action. If there is one
short-coming of Thankfulness is we think about it but don’t put it into
action. Whether it’s by words, deeds, or
actions, let’s show Thankfulness more than just thinking about it.
In Luke 17, the story is told of 10 lepers being
healed by Jesus. Leprosy was a deadly and awful
disease in Biblical times and people who had leprosy were outcasts. But, Jesus, went to them and healed 10 in
this instance. But, out of the ten, only
one ran to Jesus to thank Him…..,
one of them, seeing that he was healed, returned and, with a loud voice, gave
glory to God. He fell facedown at His feet, thanking Him. And he was a
Samaritan." - Luke 17:15-16
Today, answer these three questions….
1) Am I thankful and would people around me say I have a
heart of thankfulness?
2) Name three officials you are thankful for and why?
3) What
prevents you from expressing thankfulness—putting it into action?
“Do not withhold good from
those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.”