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Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Process of making a sword:
1)    Metal is put into a fire and heated to make it softer.
2)    Hammer is used to pound the metal into desired shape.  During this process, the metal is put back in the fire, as needed, to keep it soft and flexible.
3)    Sword is hammered/grinded on the edges and points and engraving is performed.
4)    To complete the process, the sword is then heated at a very high temperature and placed in quenching tank.
As you can see in the sword making process, it is put into the fire many times.  Metal tools (hammer and grinder) are used to get it in proper shape.  The same can be said of us as officials.  We are put into the fire over and over again.  We get “hammered” and “grinded” and it takes Supervisors, fellow officials, and even ourselves to get us into the proper shape. Our goal should be to be an official that can be hammered and grinded and the end product results in a shiny, sharp, and stronger official.

Proverbs 27: 17:  As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

This verse basically says as iron is used to sharpen iron--just as in the sword making process--we are called to sharpen each other.  Considering what the Proverb states, in an article by Jon Gordon, “Are You a Real Team?”, he shared the difference between being part of a team vs. a “REAL” team.  Taking the points he made in the article, here is a list of what being a member of a “REAL Crew” looks like…..

o  Crew goals first; individual goals second.
o  Committed to each other and the crew.
o  Desire is to serve the crew.
o  Crew communication is essential to build trust, commitment and teamwork.
o  Care even more about the crew.
o  Time with the crew is a priority.
o  Build trust, share love and show respect in everything the crew does.
o  Fighting makes crew stronger because of trust, love and growth from disagreements.
o  Every crew member is on the bus with a shared vision, focus and purpose.
o  Strong leaders who develop other leaders.
o  Ego to be great but gives up ego to serve crew in order to be great.

Don’t just be a member of a crew, be a member of a REAL Crew!