Evaluate: to
determine the significance or quality of; assess
I applied my heart to what I
observed and learned a lesson from what I saw. Proverbs 24:32
How many agree with this old saying?......"Experience
is the best teacher." The answer is
NO. Experience is a great teacher only
if take the time to evaluate our experiences.
activities create shallow thinking, while evaluated action broadens our
We can go
through life at home, at work and in our preparation to be an official
without any real sense of understanding whether our experience was right, wrong
or indifferent. The key is to observe,
evaluate, learn and apply lessons. Going
back to evaluate our experiences is a very good use of our time.
Do you consider yourself an Employee or an Entrepreneur? There is a big mindset difference between the
two...................an employee sees failure as rejection; entrepreneur sees
failure as correction. Experiencing
failure, for a successful entrepreneur is feedback, a way to learn and grow. One of the greatest entrepreneur’s of our
time, Bill Gates, said this….
It’s fine to
celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
Now, the quote from the beginning should be changed to
"Evaluated experience is the best teacher." We draw lessons from the past only when we
study it. So, don't just accept experiences
for what they are. Study them; see what you learned, and how or what you
would change going forward, if anything.
“What a person
knows at fifty that he did not know at twenty is not the knowledge of formulas
or forms of words, but of people, places, actions—a knowledge gained by touch,
sight, sound, victories, failures, sleeplessness, devotion, love—the human
experiences and emotions of this earth and of oneself and of other men.”
~ Adlai Stevenson, former Governor of Illinois and two-time
Democratic nominee for President of the United States